@article{143626, author = {Michael SA Graziano and CG Gross}, title = {Mapping space with neurons}, abstract = {
The left fielder squints at the baseball as it curves toward him.~ He adjusts his hand and body, and the ball lands in his mitt.~ Somehow, the changing pattern of light on his retina was transformed into a motor command which~ brought his hand to the correct location for catching the ball.~ How was this accomplished?~ Is there a map of visual space in the brain which encodes the location of the ball and the fielder{\textquoteright}s glove?~ In this article, we review some recent experiments using monkeys, on visuo-motor transformations in the brain.~ We ask how neurons represent the location of a stimulus for the purposes of looking at it, reaching toward it, or avoiding it.
}, year = {1994}, journal = {Current Directions in Psychological Sciences}, volume = {3}, pages = {164-167}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1111/1467-8721.ep10770670}, language = {eng}, }