Cooke, Dylan, and Michael SA Graziano. 2004. “Sensorimotor Integration in the Precentral Gyrus: Polysensory Neurons and Defensive Movements”. Journal of Neurophysiology 91 (4): 1648-60. doi:10.1152/jn.00955.2003. Reference Link
Graziano, and CG Gross. 1993. “A Bimodal Map of Space: Somatosensory Receptive Fields in the Macaque Putamen With Corresponding Visual Receptive Fields”. Experimental Brain Research 97 (1): 96-109. Referenced from A bimodal map of space: somatosensory receptive fields in the macaque putamen with corresponding visual receptive fields. Reference Link
Graziano, Hu, and CG Gross. 1997. “Visuospatial Properties of Ventral Premotor Cortex”. Journal of Neurophysiology 77 (5): 2268-92. doi:10.1152/jn.1997.77.5.2268. Reference Link
Graziano, Michael SA, and Tyson Aflalo. 2007. “Rethinking Cortical Organization: Moving Away from Discrete Areas Arranged in Hierarchies”. The Neuroscientist 13 (2): 138-47. doi:10.1177/1073858406295918. Reference Link
Graziano, Cooke, and Taylor. 2000. “Coding the Location of the Arm by Sight”. Science 290 (5497): 1782-86. Referenced from Coding the location of the arm by sight. Reference Link
Graziano, Michael SA, Tyson Aflalo, and Dylan Cooke. 2005. “Arm Movements Evoked by Electrical Stimulation in the Motor Cortex of Monkeys”. Journal of Neurophysiology 94 (6): 4209-23. doi:10.1152/jn.01303.2004. Reference Link
Aflalo, Tyson, and Michael SA Graziano. 2007. “Relationship Between Unconstrained Arm Movements and Single-Neuron Firing in the Macaque Motor Cortex”. Journal of Neuroscience 27 (11): 2760-80. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3147-06.2007. Reference Link
Nakamura, Chung, Graziano, and CG Gross. 1999. “Dynamic Representation of Eye Position in the Parieto-Occipital Sulcus”. Journal of Neurophysiology 81 (5): 2374-85. doi:10.1152/jn.1999.81.5.2374. Reference Link
Graziano. 1999. “Where Is My Arm? The Relative Role of Vision and Proprioception in the Neuronal Representation of Limb Position”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 96 (18): 10418-21. Referenced from Where is my arm? The relative role of vision and proprioception in the neuronal representation of limb position. Reference Link
Graziano, and CG Gross. 1998. “Visual Responses With and Without Fixation: Neurons in Premotor Cortex Encode Spatial Locations Independently of Eye Position”. Experimental Brain Research 118 (3): 373-80. Referenced from Visual responses with and without fixation: neurons in premotor cortex encode spatial locations independently of eye position. Reference Link